[ 10 Most Meaningful Quotes for 2020 ]

It’s that time of the year to take stock of what came before. It’s time to review, reflect and summarize what we’ve learned. Throughout the year, I’ve jot down quotes that have struck a chord with me at a specific point in time. Usually this just gets filed away, until I come across them randomly at one time or another. This year, out of curiosity, I purposely decided to go through and pick out the ones that ended up being the most meaningful to my life this past year. So without further ado, my 2020 experience in quotes: #1 — On Writing and Knowing Yourself “A lot of the skill of the writer comes from your understanding of who you are and what you need to say to the world.” — Salman Rushdie (Master Class) #2 — On Writing and Determination “It took me 12 or 13 years of not being successful before I was at all successful. So you have to have a kind of absolute determination and drive that this is who you want to be and to hold to that in spite of disappointments and reversals.” — Salman Rushdie (Master Class) #3 — Doing What’s Right According to You “Do what you feel in your heart to be right — for you’ll be criticized anyway.” — Eleanor Roosevelt #4 — Not Starting and Not Finishing There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting. — Buddha #5 — Do Things Even if You Don’t Have it All Planned Out “Jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down.” — Ray Bradbury #6 — Your Troubles Are Mostly in Your Head “I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” — Mark Twain Note: Even when your troubles are real, how big you do them up or how you little you shrink them down to is entirely up to you. Give them center stage, shine a spotlight and have the entire world revolve around them or work to improve, chip away and/or eradicate them forever. You choose how you want to play the hand you were dealt. #7 — On How You Measure Yourself “The true measure of success is not how you measure up to an arbitrary goal that you or society has set, it’s how you measure up to who you were the very moment before this one.” — Stephen Guise from Sep 13, 2016 email newsletter titled “Never Live Like You’re Behind”. #8 — On Finding the Love of Your Life “The basketball court for me, during a game, is the most peaceful place I can imagine. On the basketball court, I worry about nothing. When I step onto the court, I don’t have to think about anything. If I have a problem off the court, I find that after I play, my mind is clearer and I can come up with a better solution. It’s like therapy. It relaxes me and allows me to solve problems.” — Michael Jordan #9 — On Determining Your Own Future “See things as you would have them be instead of as they are.” — Robert Collier #10 — On Keeping Things Going