[ Composite Keys in Sqlalchemy ]
I'm using flask-sqlalchemy
to build a webapp and I have the following model(s):
class Post(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=True)
candidates = db.relationship('Candidate', backref='post', lazy='dynamic')
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __repr__(self):
return "<Post %r>" % self.name
class Candidate(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(80), primary_key=True)
post_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('post.id'))
hostel = db.Column(db.String(80))
yes_no = db.Column(db.Boolean)
#votes = db.relationship('Vote', backref='vote', lazy="dynamic")
def __init__(self, name, hostel, post_id, yes_no):
self.name = name
self.hostel = hostel
self.post_id = post_id
self.yes_no = yes_no
def __repr__(self):
return "<Candidate: %r, Post: %r>" % (self.name, self.post.name)
I'm totally noob when it comes to database designing, so I'll really appreciate a few pointers about some fundamental queries I have
Is the
column necessary? Most of the tutorials I've seen have that as a column(primary key specifically). Can I do without it? Especially in cases where I have another primary key?How can I have a composite key constraint on Candidate#Name and Candidate#post_id columns, given that post_id is a foreign key.
How can I "refresh" my database. After I've made changes in the model, how can I make sure those changes are reflected in the actual tables? Do I need to
manually?Lastly, does the
documentation apply toflask-sqlalchemy
as well?
Answer 1
Is the id column necessary? Most of the tutorials I've seen have that as a column(primary key specifically). Can I do without it? Especially in cases where I have another primary key?
For the post table, yes. For the other one, no. Some might argue that since name is unique, make it a primary key, but that would mean use the name anywhere you need to reference that post, which means more space (length of the name vs. int) (not necessarily a problem) and think about "what if the candidate name changes?". However, you certainly don't need both.
How can I have a composite key constraint on Candidate#Name and Candidate#post_id columns, given that post_id is a foreign key.
How you are doing it, every post is assigned to one single post:
candidates = db.relationship('Candidate', backref='post', lazy='dynamic')
So, the field should not be called candidates
but candidate
to make sense.
To answer your question, I will quote from the docs:
To specify multiple columns in the constraint/index or to specify an explicit name, use the UniqueConstraint or Index constructs explicitly.
You would need to add this to your model definition:
__table_args__ = (
UniqueConstraint("id", "candidate_id"),
Although I think it's useless here (why do you need it? if id is unique(primary key), then any other combination containing it will be unique)...
How can I "refresh" my database. After I've made changes in the model, how can I make sure those changes are reflected in the actual tables? Do I need to drop_all and create_all manually?
You need to commit
your changes to the database. From flask-sqlalchemy's documentation:
Lastly, does the sqlalchemy documentation apply to flask-sqlalchemy as well?
NOTE This is what I found out on my own, no "official" source, just by reading flask-sqlalchemy's source.
Yes, what differs, is the way you access the model and the session and the engine and ... For example, in sqlalchemy:
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
Session = sessionmaker()
session = session()
And in flask-sqlalchemy:
And for "Models":
# In sqlalchemy
Base = declarative_base()
class Post(Base):
# ...
# In flask-sqlalchemy
class Post(db.Model):
# ...
Anyway, what you do in the sqlalchemy way, you do it once, and flask-sqlalchemy does it for you in the background.
Hope it helps :) (and that's much more than one question about composite keys in sqlalchemy...)