Battleship on Cells

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Once upon a time, this game was played with a pen and a lined sheet of paper. Despite such a modest equipment, the sea battle still captured and carried away. People could sit for hours at a desk, creating more and more new tactical situations, thinking over the strategy of their attack on the enemy. The goal of the game has never changed. It consists in sinking the entire enemy fleet. It's not as easy as it might seem, because it's not enough to just be a good shooter to win. It is very important to be able to build the game in such a way as to hinder the enemy, prevent him from carrying out his plans, bring confusion to his ranks, and disrupt the strategy.

The game can be played with artificial intelligence or with an opponent online in multiplayer mode.

Players take turns shooting at coordinates on the opponent's map. If the enemy with these coordinates has a "ship", then the ship or its deck is killed. The goal of the player is to be the first to kill all the game "ships" of the enemy.
1 ship - a row of 4 cells ("four-deck"; battleship)
2 ships - a row of 3 cells ("three-deck"; cruisers)
3 ships - a row of 2 cells ("two-deck"; destroyers)
4 ships - 1 cell ("single-deck"; torpedo boats)


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