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[ Generic way of sorting JSON array by attribute ]
I found out how to sort a JSON array at http://www.devcurry.com/2010/05/sorting-json-array.html
Now I want to sort it in a generic way; so that my sorting function knows which attribute to sort by.
For example if my array is
"name": "John",
"age": "16"
"name": "Charles",
"age": "26"
I want to avoid writing different if cases to know if I should sort by name or age. I just want to pass a parameter 'name' or 'age' and my sorting function should know what to do.
Answer 1
Something like a:
function predicatBy(prop){
return function(a,b){
if( a[prop] > b[prop]){
return 1;
}else if( a[prop] < b[prop] ){
return -1;
return 0;
yourArray.sort( predicatBy("age") );
yourArray.sort( predicatBy("name") );
Answer 2
See this example http://jsfiddle.net/W8Byu/1/
What I have done is stored the sort column Name in a variable and used in Sort function.
var sortColumnName = "Name";
function SortByName(x,y) {
return ((x[sortColumnName] == y[sortColumnName]) ? 0 : ((x[sortColumnName]> y[sortColumnName]) ? 1 : -1 ));
Answer 3
You can sort arrays by any field with Alasql library:
var data = [{"name":"John", "age":"16"}, {"name":"Charles", "age":"26"}];
var res1 = alasql('SELECT * FROM ? ORDER BY name',[data]);
var res2 = alasql('SELECT * FROM ? ORDER BY age',[data]);
var res3 = alasql('SELECT * FROM ? ORDER BY age, name',[data]);
var res4 = alasql('SELECT * FROM ? ORDER BY age DESC, name ASC',[data]);
Try this example in jsFiddle.