[ How to print a Hidden DIV when printing using a JavaScript Function ]

I have a javascript print function:

    function printDetails() {
        var printContent = document.getElementById('<%= divMail.ClientID %>');

        var windowUrl = 'about:blank';
        var uniqueName = new Date();
        var windowName = 'Print' + uniqueName.getTime();
        var printWindow = window.open(windowUrl, windowName, 'left=500,top=500,width=0,height=0');



        return false;

I have the following HTML:

<div id="divMail" runat="server" >
    <div id="showTopDetailsContent" style="display: none; position:relative;">
        MORE HTML

And the following JQuery/Script:


The problem: When I Print I get the Contents of the divMail (DIV) and send them to the Print Function, the problem is that since I have a DIV inside divMail that is Hidden it will not be displayed in the Print. How do I make the Print Function Display that hidden DIV?

Answer 1

try this:


after the


Answer 2

You can specify it as visible for printing in CSS:

@media screen {
    #showTopDetailsContent { display: none; }
    #showTopDetailsContent.show { display: block; }
@media print {
    #showTopDetailsContent { display: block !important; }

And instead of using .toggle() which applies inline styles, use a class.
