[ Java ServerSocket.accept(); makes Server or UnityScript Client crash ]
I'm making an MMORPG using java server and Unity(Javascript/Unityscript) client. On server side I have the following:
System.out.println("Waiting for new client to connect.");
Socket socket = serverSocket.accept(); /*When another client tries to connect,
server stops at this line, "Client connected." is never printed.*/
System.out.println("Client connected.");
System.out.println("Closing server..");
ClientListener listener = new ClientListener(socket);
So when I first run the server and the client, it all works fine. When I then close the Client and try to run client again, Server stops at serverSocket.accept();. Meaning that either server can't take another Client or Client can't connect to server. I think it's on the server side, but I really don't have any idea what might be causing this.
private function ThreadListener(){
client = new TcpClient();
var port = 16304;
client.Connect(IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), port));
ns = client.GetStream();
var data = new byte[1024];
var waitCounter = 0;
print("connection made");
var read = 0;
read = ns.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
var word = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, read);
catch (InvOpEx : InvalidOperationException) {
Debug.Log("TCP exception: " + InvOpEx.Message);
catch (SockEx : SocketException) {
Debug.Log("Socket exception: " + SockEx.Message);
finally {
if(ns != null)
NOTE! I know that this unity client is pretty badly coded and javascript isn't my strongest point. But I will focus more on making it more efficient and stuff once I just get it work.
Edit 1: The Client just freezes until I close the server and after a few seconds from closing the server, Client gives an error message telling that it couldn't connect to server.
Edit 2: I made a test client using java to make sure the problem isn't on the server side. And I was able to succesfully connect to server multiple times using that test Client. I think it's easier to get help for unity related stuff on their own forums so I'll move this question there. :)
Answer 1
The problem was on the Client -side (Javascript), when closing the Client, I forgot to close the ThreadListener() thread. So I made following function:
function OnApplicationQuit(){ //this is called before program is closed
running = false;
if(ns != null){
WorkerThread = null;
and now it's working as it should.