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[ SingularityDAO’s CAKE farming pool ends today! You can farm SDAO instead! ]
SDAO/BNB Cake Stake Ending Visit app.singularitydao.ai to continue earning with great APR on your LP Tokens
Greetings Singularitarians,
Last week SingularityDAO won the 11th PancakeSwap farming auction. We were given a one-week farming pool where users were able to Stake SDAO-BNB LP tokens to earn CAKE. Today, that farming pool will come to an end and we would like to take this moment to thank both PancakeSwap and of course all of you, for taking part!
What happens next?
Our PancakeSwap staking pool may be ending but that does not mean you have to stop providing liquidity, over on the SingularityDAO DApp we offer both liquidity mining/yield farming and single asset staking with very attractive APR’s.
At time of writing, the current APR for SDAO farming and staking is:
SDAO Unbonded Single Asset Staking 88% APR
You don’t need to break your LP tokens down into the underlying assets, simply withdraw them from the CAKE farm and then to our DApp and add them to our own SDAO/BNB LP Pool to continue earning SDAO! Earnt a load of SDAO? Stake it in our single asset unbonded staking pool for great APR without the risk of impermanent loss.
While you are there, connect your wallet to ETH mainnet and take a look at all the other features we offer which will also be making their way onto BSC over the course of 2022.
We have a launchpad which recently helped NuNet raise $2million in 90 seconds, the initial offering of which was at $0.02 and is now sitting around $0.1 with an ATH of $0.22.
We have swapping, other farming pools, yield and also locked single asset staking with guaranteed APR.
Most recently we also launched DynaSets which we are especially looking forward to bringing to BSC. DynaSets are non-custodial AI-powered Hedge Fund like portfolio managers and are currently in beta on ERC20 but soon to become multichain.
Closing thoughts
Today brings to a close the first SingularityDAO collaboration on Binance Smart Chain. It was a massive success and we want to thank PancakeSwap for their support. We are looking forward to all the future collaborations that this move to BSC has enabled and are proud to now be one of the many amazing projects that contribute to this ecosystem. We hope to work with many more of you in the near future and are already working hard to bring more interesting collaborations to the BSC community! Thank you all for choosing to join us as we begin our journey of multi-chain operation.
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